Test results

Ирина Sasha

Our mutual astrological compatibility coefficient 131 points

Congratulations! Higher compatibility can hardly be imagined. You are the happiest people on the Earth, bestowed with a divine gift of love. Who else but you will go through life hand in hand, reversing the flow of rivers, moving mountains and finishing each other's sentences? Your compatibility score exceeds all standards. A result this high is rare, so it's time to think about yourselves and your specialness, praise the higher forces of your choice, and cherish an emerging pure feeling of love.
Excellent result! Such luck is hard to find! Just imagine: billions of people living on the Earth struggle to find their better half, but you are favoured by fortune. You met and now know that you are destined for each other. The rest is in your hands. You are both passionate lovers and party comrades, and take equal delight in a picnic getaway in picturesque surroundings and a secret investigation mission. The main thing is to control yourself and remember that even high compatibility scores do not relieve you of responsibility. Be empathetic and attentive to each other.
You are destined to feel very human love given to you by heavens. Of course, eternal serenity and harmony can never be guaranteed, but common interests, mutual respect and passion are completely on your side. We are all only human. It's no good to ask for a miracle and wait for a happily-ever-after. Let life run its course, and good patches take over bad ones. Only then can we feel the taste of life and smell its spicy fragrance on our skin. Love, always pure and serene, tends to bore, like any eternal bliss. Then we seek ways to brighten up the reality ourselves. The key is not to get carried away and be painfully unhappy afterwards.
Your results are very down-to-earth, like those of most people. The strength of your feelings and the level of your intimacy are completely up to you. You are the creators of your own destiny. And there's nothing sad about it. Some are born with divine talents, others reach perfection through hard work, but both are equally recognized and praised. When you make efforts to achieve the goal and reach the top, you will feel the rare sweetness of victory. If with empathy, understanding, respect, and sympathy, you'll manage to turn a young plant into a magic tree of paradise, you'll deserve the highest honor.
However low the figure is, it is not a reason to feel down and give up on your relationship. After all, you have things in common, and now it's your job to fan the flames of love and understanding. In this case you'd better trust your heart rather than your mind. If it tells you that you've found the person of your dreams, then it's worth the shot. Together you will overcome all that stands between you. There are people who are looking for an alter ego, there are those who are ready to compromise and yield to another's influence, and there are those who feel best beside their polar opposites. Look at your relationship – if it's full of unclouded happiness, then either one of the partners might know how to play it cool, or love has created a miracle. Do you remember the tale of "Riquet with the Tuft"? When Riquet conferred his wit upon his bride, she gave the lame hunchback the gift of beauty. Love goes a long way!
Erotism and sexual compatibility.
Harmony of feelings. The strength and brightness of experiences, the desire to give yourself to a partner and own it.
Fineness of feelings. Romanticism in a relationship. Care for each other.
A partner\'s ability to nourish your feelings and always be attractive. he desire to please a partner in original ways. Willingness to sacrifice for his sake. An interested attitude towards each other. Support in difficult situations.
Freedom and trust in a relationship. The level of openness in a relationship.
Readiness to accept the partner\'s freedom and not to dictate your terms. Confidence in the partner\'s sincerity and integrity. The ability to accept a partner as he is, freely share his experiences, thoughts, feelings.
Common interests and passions. Readiness to do something together and cooperate. A single vision.
Shared vision of self-fulfilment and ways to achieve it. The need to feel that you live a full life and broaden the areas of your activities. Understanding of common goals. Successful joint efforts for the common good. Mutual help and support. Coincidence of opinions, themes and their assessments.
Trust and harmony in a relationship. Being on the same page without any conscious effort.
Pragmatism. Mutual comfort.
Flexibility in relationships. Opportunity to concede to a partner. Cozy relationships. It\'s comfortable to be quiet and comfortable talking to the two. Interest in promising relationships.
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